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Ageing Well

Herefordshire’s people are living longer than was previously the case, which is something to celebrate.  Herefordshire’s population is also ageing more rapidly than in the country as a whole and the numbers of people aged 65 and over and aged 85 and over are set to continue to increase in the years to come. For more information visit the ageing population page.

As the population ages it is important to recognise that people are more likely to experience ill-health as they get older.  While the number of years people can expect to live has increased, in recent years the number of years they can expect to live in good health has not.  This means that more people are spending more years of their lives in poor health.  There are also significant inequalities, with people living in the most deprived communities or from certain underprivileged groups dying earlier and spending more of their lives in poor health. 

These patterns are not inevitable.  Many long-term health conditions affecting older people are preventable and are influenced by the social and economic environments we live in.  

Health behaviours play a key role in how well people age. Being physically active, eating a healthy, balanced diet, not smoking and moderating alcohol consumption can make a big difference to health in later life, increasing the proportion of life spent in good health. There is a great deal of evidence about how making healthy choices can enhance health and wellbeing in older age and that it is never too late to adopt healthy behaviours and add years to life and life to years.

Being socially connected is also vital for health and happiness in later life. Positive relationships with family, friends, and communities foster a sense of belonging and improve physical and mental health. Being socially active may also reduce the risk of developing dementia. Conversely, loneliness and isolation can have negative impacts in the same way as chronic long-term conditions like diabetes and hypertension.

In order for older people to maintain their independence and quality of life they also need a suitable environment in which to live. The built environment can promote physical and mental health in older adults by providing opportunities for exercise and safe active travel, and by making social activities more accessible to people with some degree of disability. Older adults spend more time at home and are more likely to live in cold homes during winter. Hence, suitable housing is also vital, as homes that are cold, damp, prone to overheating, unsafe, or unsuitable for the needs of older people, contribute to the development and exacerbation of many long-term conditions.  For more on this visit the housing section.

At the end of people’s lives it is important that everyone can have a good death, meaning they are able to die in the way and the place that they want. A new Herefordshire and Worcestershire end of life care strategy is due to be published in 2025.

An Older People's Integrated Needs Assessment was published in 2018 (see related documents box) and ageing well was the focus of the 2023 Director of Public Health Annual Report. A falls prevention needs assessment was completed in 2024 (see related documents).