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Welcome to Understanding Herefordshire

Understanding Herefordshire provides a wide range of information and statistical data about the county and its people, which may also be useful for funding bids, business plans, research or educational projects, and general interest. 

Herefordshire ward profiles

Explore our Herefordshire ward profiles.

Herefordshire ward profiles

Herefordshire's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

This website forms the live evidence base for the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), which is produced by Herefordshire Council’s intelligence unit on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Board, with contributions from other areas of the council, elected members and partner organisations.

You can find out more about what the JSNA is and its findings by clicking on the link below. 

More about the JSNA

Quick facts

View our infographic 'What's life like in Herefordshire?', which describes some of the key features of the county, or current and previous issues of our Understanding Herefordshire bulletin.

Quick facts about Herefordshire

Latest news

What's new from Herefordshire Council's Intelligence Unit.

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