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Living environment deprivation - Indoor living environment sub-domain

The Indoor Living Environment is a sub-domain of the Living Environment domain, which is one of the domains that makes up the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 (IMD 2019).

Key points

This is Herefordshire’s most deprived domain in terms of the number of LSOAs [1] within the most deprived quarter in England, with almost 80% of the county’s areas (85 LSOAs) being in the 25% most deprived nationally - 11 more than there were in 2015.

Almost two thirds (55) of these areas are in rural areas. The remainder are located in Hereford city, Leominster and Ross-on-wye; the majority being in the north of Hereford city.

Fifty three of the 85 LSOAs are also in the 10% most deprived nationally of which all but 12 are in rural areas.

There are five Herefordshire LSOAs amongst the 25% least deprived nationally ‘Belmont – Whitefriars’ and ‘Belmont-Abbotsmead’ in the south of Hereford, ‘Hampton Dene’ in the north of the city, ‘Ledbury – New Mills’ and Leominster – Buckfield’.

The ‘indoors’ living environment measures the quality of housing and is made up of the following indicators:

  • Houses without central heating: The proportion of houses that do not have central heating
  • Housing in poor condition: The proportion of social and private homes that fail to meet the Decent Homes standard.

Figure 1:  Map showing the areas of Herefordshire that are amongst the most deprived nationally according to the indoor living environment sub-domain of the IMD 2019.

Map showing the areas of Herefordshire that are amongst the most deprived nationally according to the indoor living environment sub-domain of the IMD 2019.

Source: Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

[1]Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) are fixed statistical geographies of about 1,500 people designed by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). For more information please see the useful definitions page.