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Living environment deprivation - Outdoor living environment sub-domain

The outdoor Living Environment is a sub-domain of the Living Environment domain, which is one of the domains that make up the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 (IMD 2019).

Key points

No Herefordshire LSOAs [1] are within the 25% most deprived in England in terms of the outdoor living environment, although three areas are within the 50% most deprived nationally.

These three LSOAs are all located in the north of Hereford directly to the west of the A49 and are immediately adjacent to the Hereford air quality management area. It should be noted that of these three areas ‘Whitecross – Sainsbury’s’ and ‘Courtyard’ have become relatively less deprived since 2015.

Since 2015 ‘Hereford City Centre’ (also within the Hereford air quality management area) has also become relatively less deprived, moving from the 25% most deprived to the 50% least deprived areas nationally, which represents one of the largest improvements across the county since 2015. Similar improvement are evident elsewhere in Hereford.

Overall, 107 Herefordshire LSOAs are within the 25% least deprived nationally, of which 71 are in the 10% least deprived.

The ‘outdoors’ living environment contains measures of air quality and road traffic accidents, it is derived from the following indicators:

  • Air quality: A measure of air quality based on emissions rates for four pollutants
  • Road traffic accidents involving injury to pedestrians and cyclists.

Figure 1:  Map showing the areas of Herefordshire that are amongst the most deprived in England according to the outdoor living environment sub-domain of the IMD 2019.

Map showing the areas of Herefordshire that are amongst the most deprived in England according to the outdoor living environment sub-domain of the IMD 2019.

Source: Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government[1]Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) are fixed statistical geographies of about 1,500 people designed by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). For more information please see the useful definitions page.