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Productivity and economic growth

Economic prosperity

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an internationally recognised measure of relative economic prosperity and growth.
  • In 2022, Herefordshire’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices was £4,556 million. Adjusting for inflation (chained volume measure), this represented an increase of 1.3% from the previous year, a smaller growth compared to the year before.
  • In real terms, in 2020 Herefordshire’s economy shrank to it’s smallest level since 2013 as a result of the pandemic. While it yet to recover fully, in 2022 it was larger than it was in 2017.
  • In 2022, per capita GDP at current prices in Herefordshire was £27,278 compared to £37,852 in England and £30,117 in the West Midlands: 28% lower than England and 9% lower than the West Midlands.
  • Looking at the change over time in real terms, i.e. adjusting for inflation (chained volume measures in 2019 value), per capita GDP in Herefordshire has consistently lagged behind that of both England and the West Midlands region and the gap is currently wider than it was in 1998 (see chart).

Line chart showing GDP per head of population in Herefordshire compared to England and the West Midlands since 1998 - chained volume measures in 2019 money value.

Source: Office for National Statistics

The value of Herefordshire's economy

  • In the mid 2000s, Herefordshire’s Gross Value Added (GVA) across all industrial sectors together declined relative to England and the West Midlands region. Thereafter it increased fairly consistently in line with the national trend until 2016 when it dipped again. Although it increased again subsequently, increases were lower than nationally and regionally.
  • Adjusting to remove the effects of inflation (i.e. using the chained volume measure), following the serious contraction in 2020 due to the pandemic, now the economy has grown back to the level seen in 2018. In 2022 (the latest year available), Herefordshire’s total GVA was £3,944 million in 2019 money value.
  • In 2022 (the latest year available) Herefordshire’s total GVA at current prices was £4,456 million, reflecting the national trend, Herefordshire’s GVA increased by 7% in real terms since the previous year.

Line chart showing Gross Value Added (GVA) chained volume measure indexed to 2019 (2019 = index value 100) from 1998 onwards.

Source: Office for National Statistics

Labour productivity

The level of labour productivity is determined by how efficiently and effectively labour is utilized in an economy. Comparing labour productivity (measured as Gross Value Added (GVA) per hour worked [1]) provides an indication of the relative competitiveness of a local economy.

The level of labour productivity is one of the key determinants of wages and poor labour productivity can act as a barrier to social mobility.

  • In 2022, Herefordshire GVA per hour worked (smoothed*) was £29.6: significantly lower than England (£40.3) and the West Midlands (£34.6).
  • Similarly, Herefordshire’s GVA per filled job (smoothed*) in 2022 was £42,952.10, compared to £62,751.40 for England and £53,389.60 for the West Midlands.
  • Using the GVA per hour worked measure, in 2022 Herefordshire had one of the lowest levels labour productivity of any International Territorial Level (ITL) 3 area of the UK, ranking 170th out of 179. The reasons for this are complex but are likely related to Herefordshire’s rurality and the associated composition of its economy. The Midlands Engine Intelligence Hub contains a useful GVA for Small Areas map which can be used to compare local authority areas.

*Data are smoothed using a weighted 5-year moving average.

Source: Office for National Statistics

The relative contribution of industrial sectors to the economy

The relative contribution of different industrial sectors to the value of goods and services produced (GVA) in Herefordshire is significantly different to nationally and regionally, partly reflecting the rurality of the county.  Manufacturing, real estate activities and agriculture make up a much greater proportion of GVA, while sectors such as financial and insurance activities, information and communication, and professional, scientific and technical activities are all under-represented.

Bar chart showing the proportion of Gross Value Added (GVA) by broad industrial group for Herefordshire, the West Midlands and England.

Source: Office for National Statistics

[1] GVA(I) (Income) per head can be a useful way of comparing regions of different size, comparisons can be affected by commuting flows into or out of the region

[2] Following the UK's withdrawal from the EU on 31 December 2020, International Territorial Levels (ITLs) , were introduced as a replacement to the Eurostat geographical classification, the Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques (NUTS) and adopt a convention used by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries. These ITLs therefore align with international standards, enabling comparability internationally. – ONS.