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Census 2021: new data on housing and education

1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM

Headline results from the Census 2021 for both Housing and Education are now available to download from the Census 2021 webpage. You can explore the data yourself using the Census maps on the ONS website. The following are a few key points about Herefordshire:


  • One of the highest proportions of detached dwellings in the country
  • One of the highest proportions of home ownership in the country; outright home ownership increased slightly but home ownership with a mortgage fell over the last decade
  • A relatively low level of overcrowding that have fallen over the last decade
  • One of the highest rates of households without central heating in the country


  • Levels of qualification were almost identical to the national picture, out of all residents aged 16 and over –
  • Over a quarter (28%) over do not have the equivalent of five GCSEs grades A*-C
  • Almost one in five (18%) have no formal qualifications at all
  • A third (33%) have the equivalent of a Higher National Certificate, Higher National Diploma, Bachelor's degree or post-graduate qualifications
  • Apprenticeships are the highest qualification for just over 1 in 20 (6%)
  • Numbers of schoolchildren and full-time students have fallen over the last decade

Look out for upcoming headline results for health, disability, and unpaid care.

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