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Cost-of-Living Bulletin: Supplementary Monthly Monitoring Report November 2022

11/16/2022 10:30:00 AM

The November 2022 Monthly Monitoring Report has just been published.  The monthly monitoring report is a supplementary report to the quarterly Cost-of-Living Bulletin and provides the latest data from the limited number of datasets that are updated on a monthly basis.  The key points from this edition of the Monitor are:

  • The number of people claiming the Universal Credit (UC) doubled between March 2020 and May 2020. Since then numbers have remained at a high level.
  • The number of people claiming Pension Credit (UC) in Herefordshire has fallen significantly and fairly consistently since May 2018.
  • Apart from the bump in early 2021, numbers of people claiming unemployment-related benefits have decreased gradually and fairly consistently from the peaks seen in May and August 2020. However, numbers remain elevated when compared to the pre-pandemic level. Generally, those wards with the highest numbers of claimants before the pandemic still have the highest numbers now.

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