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2021 Census population and household estimates for Herefordshire

6/30/2022 4:00:00 AM

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) released the first results from the Census 2021 on 28 June 2022. This included population and household estimates for local authorities in England & Wales.

Herefordshire’s resident population was 187,100 in 2021

  • This was 3,600 more people than in 2011 (up by 2.0%), which is a slower rate of growth than England & Wales (6.6%).
  • With 86 people per square kilometre, Herefordshire had the fourth lowest population density out of all county level authorities in England in 2021 (equivalent to around two football pitch-sized pieces of land per resident).

The county has an older age structure than England & Wales as a whole

  • The numbers of children aged under 15 have decreased by 4.3% over the last 10 years. This compares to a national increase of 5%.
  • The numbers of people aged 15 to 64 have declined by 4.1% over the last 10 years (compared with a 13.6% increase nationally).
  • The 65 and over age group, on the other hand, has increased by 24.1% over the last 10 years compared with 20.1% nationally.

There were 82,800 households in Herefordshire in 2021

  • This was 4,500 more households than in 2011 (up by 5.7%), compared with a 6.1% increase across England & Wales.

Comparing the Census 2021 and mid 2020 population estimates

The ONS’ annual mid-year population estimates (MYEs), although not directly comparable with the Census, are the official source of population numbers between censuses. The census estimates show a much slower growth than the rolled forward mid-year estimates have indicated over the last decade. The 2021 Census population is 6,500 lower than the 2020 mid-year estimate, and initial comparisons indicate that the population for all age groups under 55 is lower than estimated. We will know more when ONS publish official MYEs and plans for any revisions to previous estimates in September 2022.

Further information

For a more detailed summary of how the population has changed in Herefordshire see 2021 Census population and household estimates.

Full details of Census 2021 data for local authorities in England & Wales can be found on First results from Census 2021 in England and Wales.

The ONS will release further data during autumn and winter 2022. Topics will include ethnicity, religion, the labour market, education, housing, and for the first time, information on armed forces veterans, sexual orientation and gender identity.

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